Mmmmmm.....SNOW! it finally happened...Spring is officially here! I am so looking forward to the longer days and being able to get outside. I think the long hours in my "mole hole" at work are starting to take their toll. Everyday Jace comes home from daycare and tells Mark, "outside". I called home before I left the office to hear Jace crying in the background and Mark a little short on the phone. I asked Mark what was which he replied, "Someone wants to go O-U-T-S-I-D-E, but it is Jace, talk to Mama....". So needless to say, we're all wishing for some more cooperative weather.
This week has been one I'd like to soon be done with. My work laptop died Monday a.m., so that was not a great way to start it off. How did people ever "work" in an office before the computer that's what I want to know? I never have felt so useless in my life as the last couple of days without a PC.
Well, since I'm way behind on the Jace pics and updates I thought I would share a few from this winter. We had a lot of snow, and was it ever fun! I'd like to point out too that I shoveled more snow in a few weeks than I have in the entire 12 years I've lived over here. And might I add that I shoveled wayyyyyyyyyy more snow than Mark! How does that work? Anyway, we all had a great time with the snow, especially Jace so here are a few pics to enjoy.
Whoaaaaaa Papa!!
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